Developmental experts say that kids have a very short attention span. This attention span is usually shorter after an entire day at school. You’d be lucky to get them focused on just about anything for another hour. This shouldn’t hinder learning, because kids learn from every activity they are involved in. Most times you want to keep them engaged while you make dinner or just something exciting you can do with them to bond when they return from school. We’ve picked 5 after-school engagement activities for kids and we sure you would love them so keep reading.


Remember when we shared on kids and crafts that build intellect, and how art like drawing and creative crafts are forms of expression for kids. Well, we still stand with that. Maybe start with a colouring book for different ages and have them colour for fun as an after-school engagement.


Maybe fixing dinner would require an extra little chef. Let them get in the kitchen with you and help out with the really little things, like passing spice shakers and just keeping you company with all their many questions. Letting them cook with you is a great way to help them acquire an amazing life skill that will help them be more self- reliant. You can even share some food myth with them to keep them entertained. Beholding the end product of their labour also has a way of fostering a sense of accomplishment in them.


Swimming is a life skill that kids should learn. It is also a good way of getting them to exercise and also engage in a sport. You can either sign them up for an after-school session or supervise them if you have a pool at home. This calming effect of the water on their bodies also has a way of helping them relax from a day of school work.

Storytelling: We has said in an older post that reading helps kids build their imagination, well, so does storytelling. They can take turns to tell stories, maybe their own versions of a bedtime story. This can also be a way to talk about happenings in their classrooms etc.

Just Dance

Kids enjoy music or dancing so this is definitely a good way to go. Even introverted kids don’t mind letting it go when it comes to dancing and they have no care in the world about getting their moves right. You can either sign them up for some dance classes after school or just dance away the stress after homework as dancing helps them build coordination. This should also help you relax after all dancing helps to soothe a stressful day for adults too.


Now that we’ve shared ours with you, we would love it if you can do same. Let us know what activities your kids engage in after-school.